How to run Chrome OS (not Chromium OS) in VMWare Workstation and Player

Update #

February 2 2016

Look no further:

Update #

November 29 2015

Check this out: It is a recent and well maintained build of ChromiumOS which runs in VirtualBox just fine. I’m trying to run it in VMWare, so far without success.

As of March 25 2015 this tutorial is broken. Google is no longer providing stout32 image for Lenovo Chromebook x131e 2GB which is the only one working in VMWare as far as I know. I tried over the weekend several others, but all fail to boot fully (only terminal). If someone has the time to try all the 40+ images, please let me know on Twitter if one of them works.

Sorry folks. :(

Things you need:

Tutorial #

Add the following lines:

ethernet0.virtualDev = “e1000”

ethernet0.connectionType = “nat”

Then, rename the .vmdk file to:


Chromium OS-2014-05-27-17-56-19.png

sudo su


bash eIAcL5


bash 8v1ZkV

Chromium OS-2014-05-27-18-12-53.png

Chromium OS-2014-05-27-18-15-39.png

You’re in Chrome OS and you can log in with your Google account. If there is a warning for wrong hardware ID, just skip it.

This method should also work for VirtualBox, but I haven’t tried it. For people using VMWare Player (and Workstation, if you don’t want to modify the .vmx yourself), here is the content of .vmx file:

To add GParted ISO use this:

ide0:0.present = “TRUE”

ide0:0.fileName = “[path to iso]

ide0:0.deviceType = “cdrom-image”

Thanks to Google, ChromiumOS, hexxeh, GParted, Seth Tech and VMWare.


Now read this

Tips for running Chrome OS (not Chromium OS) in VMWare Workstation/Player (May 2014)

UPDATE 27. May 2014. Chrome OS running in VMWare Workstation like a charm. I used this script instead of 4suhf: http:// And I don’t know why, but it worked like a charm with image #1 (Lenovo 2GB) Had to increase VD... Continue →