Fedora Crouton connector (Chrome App) - Fedora Crouton update

I’ve created a small Chrome App for if you are using my version of Crouton with Fedora which makes it possible to quickly connect to the running VNC server. RealVNC was great to me, but I couldn’t really configure it to my liking. I found this, an old project based on noVNC for Chrome and based my work of it. Here it is in action:


sorry for gif quality here, svbtle doesn’t like it, please right click it and see it in a separate tab

This app connects to whatever VNC server is on the localhost:5901. It connects with high quality and fullscreen which is recommended for a local VNC server. The contents of my ~/.vnc/config file are:


You can get the Chrome app (.crx) here:


Just drag to to your chrome://extensions tab and it should install. After this from crosh enter your chroot and start vncserver. After this you can launch the app to go to your DE.

Update on the Fedora Crouton #

Everything works! I’ve been using it for 3-4 days now, and haven’t had any issues. I had to format a SD card while away from my main computer, and Fedora and Crouton helped a lot! Just downloaded GParted and everything worked as expected. I’ve also downloaded IntellJ IDEA and have to say that it worked quickly even though RAM is very limited.

VNC? #

The only gripe I have with Fedora so far is the VNC way of sharing screen. It works great and fast, and with this chrome app I can launch it in 3 seconds, but I really wish for a proper way of doing things like in the original Crouton with Ubuntu.

The future #

As is, right now the script (v2.0) works great and installs Fedora in about 10 minutes which is much faster than before. I should probably clean up the Ubuntu stuff from it and try to merge it with the official Crouton, but I don’t have much free time and this version works fine for me as is, apart from the VNC stuff.


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