Fedora @ BalCCon2k17 - event report


Another successful and very fun BalCCon is behind us! Huge props to the organizers, speakers, volunteers and everyone else who made it happen.

BalCCon is a very important event for the Serbian (and even wider) Fedora community simply because it is the largest local event that gathers hackers, tinkerers and of course many Linux users.

This year we had a large booth like the years before with swag to give away and some interesting devices running Fedora on them.



I also gave a short talk (maybe a bit too short) about how we use Fedora in Education at my University.


The main thing for us, as always, was to talk to people about Fedora and how it can work for them and introduce them to different projects within Fedora.

All in all, a great event, met many cool people and hopefully we see each other at the next BalCCon. Till then! :)



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Fedora Crouton connector (Chrome App) - Fedora Crouton update

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