Fedora 31 Release Party Novi Sad – Event Report  


Here we go again! :)

After a short break we are back with another local event meant to celebrate Fedora and Free Open Source Software.

First let’s cover the usual:

Talks #

  1. The first talk was about what is new in F31 (and F30 because we missed that release event). We talked about changes in GNOME, Fedora Toolbox, name changes and other stuff happening at the moment.

  2. The second talk was presented by Ivan Pribela, and it was about (Un)Secure Boot, why it doesn’t work, how to make it work and why not to turn it off.

  3. After a short break, Doni Pracner was back to talk about non-binary file types and pandoc.

  4. Then, it was me again to talk about backdoors, SSH tunnels and how to avoid firewalls.

  5. In the end, we hosted another Fedora Quiz with some tasteful chocolatey awards. :)






We hope to see you soon for our F32 event! Thank you all for coming!


Now read this

Installing Kivy and Buildozer and building Android apps with Python 3.7 on Fedora 29

Kivy is a great UI framework for Python. You can use it to write cross-platform rich UI/UX applications for almost all platforms. Kivy’s documentation is great, but there are no instructions for newer Fedora releases so it can be tricky... Continue →